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Just pure


Whether you are seeking relaxation, rejuvenation, or a holistic healing experience, our trained therapists and a serene environment, fully equipped with everything you need, will transport you to a state of pure serenity.

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Live the

Welcome to our relaxing paradise where well-being is paramount. Our spa invites you to discover a unique wellness experience. Based on Buddhist philosophy, Nirvanna refers to the state of fullness of the human being, free from any feeling of pain and suffering that is possible to reach through introspection.


Enjoy an enchanting setting while you explore all of the amazing treatments we offer in Your Business Name. Our specialized massage Spa is a place of true relaxation, and our warm and welcoming staff is dedicated to soothing your mind, body and soul.



Clientes dicen...

"Tome un masaje Signature con Dalia, fueron los mejores 50 min de masaje que he tomado, fue una experiencia excelente, es muy profesional, siempre pendiente de saber si el cliente esta cómodo. Totalmente recomendada."

Mayra R.

Live the experience

Get access to a wide variety of facilities at our different points along the riviera. Nirvanna Spa is a place created for the inspiration and regeneration of your body and mind. During your visit, we will continue to work hard to create a welcoming and warm space for our guests.


Si buscas relajación, rejuvenecimiento o una experiencia de curación holística, nuestros terapeutas y un ambiente sereno completamente equipado con todo lo necesario, te transportarán a un estado de pura serenidad. 

san pancho

Tu santuario definitivo en San Pancho, Nayarit, experimenta la armonía de la naturaleza y el bienestar mientras te entregas a los poderes curativos de nuestros servicios especializados.

lo de marcos

Nos esforzamos por brindar una experiencia de spa incomparable que supere sus expectativas. Con nuestras instalaciones totalmente equipadas, nos aseguramos de que su comodidad sea nuestra máxima prioridad.

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Home service

Experience pure bliss in the comfort of your own home with Nirvanna Spa´s exclusive in-home service sessions in Sayulita and Riviera Nayarit, indulge in a personal experience that cater to your individual needs, rigth a your doorstep.

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